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A critical, interdisciplinary, and qualitative journal dedicated to research, art, and writing that broadly examines the complex intersections between psychology, gender, and trauma.

Journal of Psychology, Gender, & Trauma.png

JPGT publishes on a rolling basis, when individual submissions have been through our publishing process. A new volume is started for each section when a maximum of three submissions have been completed. This means that we can have multiple issues in progress simultaneously, which reduces the pressure on editors and authors to produce articles and issues quickly, and removes the need for rigid deadlines. JPGT embraces slow scholarship, allowing authors to take their time over their work in a low-stress environment with support from our editorial team. This forms part of our work in dismantling harmful 'norms' in academia and publishing. 

Vol. 1 Publication Submission Status:

Articles: OPEN

Commentaries: OPEN

Book Reviews: OPEN

Creative Works: CLOSED (Vol. 2 Open)


Dr. Güler Cansu Ağören


pp. A1-A19

Original published in Feminist Tahayyül, translated from Turkish:

Jem Tosh is a nonbinary psychologist who specializes in gender and trauma. They are a member of several international psychological societies; the author of books entitled, Perverse Psychology (Tosh, 2014), Psychology and Gender Dysphoria: Feminist and Transgender Perspectives (Tosh, 2016a), and The Body and Consent in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Medicine: A Therapeutic Rape Culture (Tosh, 2020), as well as numerous articles and blog posts. In their work, they follow a critical approach that suggests that psychology and psychiatry can be understood as social institutions that function to normalize power hierarchies and social oppression, and they developed this critical approach in new and important directions by analyzing the definitions and explanations of these disciplines to sexual violence, femininity, sexual desire, and gender nonconformity. After practicing within the confines of academia for a period of time, Jem ventured beyond the established boundaries of mainstream psychology, even though their work had already transcended those confines...


Dr. Jem Tosh


pp. C1-C9


I came out as genderfluid on National Coming Out Day in 2018, and more recently I have started to write about my gender in my published work (e.g. Tosh, 2020). For the most part, the response I have received has been positive and supportive, but over two years later I still find that the most common response to me 'outing' myself as genderfluid is one of confusion. I can see the anxiety on loving faces as they worry about 'getting it wrong' while trying their best to be supportive, I hear colleagues and acquaintances apologise in advance of making mistakes because they are so sure that they will misgender or offend me in some way, I watch as allies and strangers grapple with how to show their support for something that they do not fully understand. So, below I answer some common questions about what genderfluidity is and how you can support the genderfluid people in your life...

Book Reviews

Krista Carson (2017)

pp. B1-B7

Jessica Valenti is a columnist at The Guardian US, founder of, and author of several books about women's issues (e.g. Friedman & Valenti, 2008; Valenti, 2010, 2014). In her recent book, Sex Object: A Memoir (Valenti, 2016), which is a New York Times bestseller, she recounts her experiences growing up in Queens, N.Y. She reflects on her relationships, motherhood, and most prominently, her weariness of the everyday sexism she has endured. Valenti describes how living in a sexist and misogynistic culture has shaped her life. The book offers a compelling account of the author's own experiences with issues such as sexual double standards, sexual objectification, and sexualized violence in the US. Sex Object begins with Valenti asking, "Who would I be if I lived in a world that didin't hate women?" (p. 2). She discusses what object status means to her, and how objectification has been a normative and inevitable part of her lived experience, pondering the cumulative effects of this. 

Dan Oudshoorn


pp. B8 - B22

Near the opening of The Body and Consent in Psychology, Psychiatry, and Medicine (2020), Jem Tosh very openly explains where she is situated in relation to the subject matter she will go on to discuss. Rather than seeking to advance her academic brand status by positioning herself amongst the intelligentsia (by highlighting her ability to engage in rigourous “objective” research, pursue “the facts” no matter where they lead, publish with all the right imprints, teach at all the right institutions, and so on and so forth), Tosh proudly stands in the tradition of the “organic intellectual” (as per Gramsci) or the “critic as partisan” (as per Eagleton). Tosh is personally invested in this subject matter - she has been subjected to this way of mattering (as per Foucault with Karen Barad’s discussion of meaning and matter in Meeting the Universe Halfway) - but along with those who are exploring ableism, madness, race, gender, sexuality, and class from liminal spaces (which are embraced rather than seen as environments to overcome or transcend)...

Creative Works

Dee Lister


p. CR1

Content Warning: hysterectomy

Objects poke scratch hurt

deep inside of me.

Body quartered

pain echoes in the third chamber of this house.

A band of aches remains.

Yet I hope, someday...

Ruthie Adamson


pp. CR2 - CR4

In the film Sunset BOULEVARD the leading lady finds it HARD to face the

TRUTH which is her YOUTH is a thing of the PAST.



The ANTITHESIS of THIS happened to ME when I was filmed for a

DOCUMENTARY in which not ONLY my same-sex SEXUALITY but my mature AGE takes centre STAGE

Thanks to that MINI MOVIE the HISTORY of my SEXUALITY will outlive...

Aisling Keavey


pp. CR5 - CR11

Accidental journeys traces both the historical and contemporary journey the Irish diaspora took from Ireland to England by photographing a journey from East Croyden to Gatwick Airport using black and white analogue film, then adding dates of famine ships sailing from Cobh to America in the 1840s and 1850s over the images. By placing the images out of chronological order, post-structuralist narrative is alluded to and also shows that meaning is constructed at the point of engagement with the image by the viewer, which also helps the images reference an invisibility of place. There are no defining features of place in any of the images which aids in the defamiliarisation of the landscape...

also known as Dr. Jemma Tosh (deadname)

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British Columbia, Canada

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